Darkwave Sinuses & Ocean Views

While in Galicia, I was at the very peak of an intense multi-week sinus infection; I couldn’t hear very much and hardly had any sense of smell. The train ride back to Madrid was a miserable time, due to constantly changing altitudes and velocity.

Being so alienated from my sensory experience while walking in the rain by the sea in A Coruña was weird. I’ve been listening to Abra quite a lot recently, and this song featuring her guest vocals really mirrors how dizzy and unmoored I felt in the winds. There’s something dooming, sleepy, and destabilizing about it. And hey, if I can’t romanticize my own sinus infections to the tune of some darkwave jams, then the world is a dark and sad place.

(FYI, Abra is an Atlanta singer-songwriter on Awful Records and I can’t stop listening to her music on slow evenings.)